News & Articles

For Optimum Health Check Your Atlas First

For Optimum Health Check Your Atlas First

Are you aware that some cultures call the atlas “the mouth of God” denoting the power that lies within? Being that motor nerves or nerve impulses, when they leave your brain, no matter where they are going, have to pass through this area.

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Get Your Child’s Spine Checked

Get Your Child’s Spine Checked

As an Upper Cervical Specialist I truly believe that the first subluxation or misalignment can happen day 1, during the birth process. The spine of a newborn is very soft and underdeveloped. It has a tendency to suffer damage during delivery.

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April is Stress Awareness Month!

April is Stress Awareness Month!

A little stress can be good for you, but when you’re constantly feeling under pressure, overwhelmed, anxious, and totally frazzled – the effects can actually add up to something dangerous. Stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to illnesses ranging from the common cold to cancer.

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Texting for Long Periods ‘Could Lower Life Expectancy’

Texting for Long Periods ‘Could Lower Life Expectancy’

The United Chiropractic Association warns that bad posture due to mobile phone use could shorten your life. The forward-leaning posture that many people adopt when operating mobile devices increases the risk of an early death in elderly people, and there are fears that younger people could also be knocking time off their lives.

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“Dr Williams office and treatment has been a huge life changing blessing to me!!! He does an absolutely amazing wonderful job and is a wonderful dr to his patients!!!!!!”
Valerie Frost

“I suffered from extreme back and hip pain my entire pregnancy. I couldn’t sleep at night because I would get excruciating leg cramps in both legs. My sister-in-law tried to convince me to go see Dr. Mike but I was too nervous to go to the chiropractor while pregnant. I tried managing the pain with prenatal massages and yoga – these only provided temporary relief, if at all. Finally, at 35 weeks I became desperate and went in for my first adjustment. On a pain scale of 1 to 10, I went in with back and hip pain of 8. IMMEDIATELY after the adjustment I was PAIN FREE! I felt like a brand new person…I instantly felt happier, healthier, and energetic. I wasn’t “waddling” around anymore and slept through the night without a single leg cramp for the first time in months. I wish I would have gone in sooner to spare myself from so much unnecessary pain so that I could experience a more pleasant pregnancy. I can’t thank Dr. Mike enough!”
Satisfied Patient